


最好的 加热AC equipment in the world would be useless without a thermostat to control it. 最好的想法是 暖通十大网络彩票平台大全系统的大脑,恒温器会告诉你的系统何时开启和关闭. 但今天的恒温器远不止一个简单的开关. 现代的系统不仅提供系统控制,而且提供 自动编程,系统警报和可定制的显示. 因为它们提供无麻烦的舒适和精确的控制, 安装高质量的, modern thermostat is often one of the smartest decisions a homeowner can make.

当涉及到 新奥尔巴尼的恒温器服务在美国,很难击败派拉蒙供暖公司的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全专家 & 空气. 从简单的恒温器到各种花哨的, 我们知道如何快速修理和安装它们. 当我们更换旧的恒温器时, we take the time to illustrate the new features 和 take the steps necessary to optimize its functionality. 对于支持它的模型, 我们还帮助设置技术,使其与wi-fi等设备配合使用, 手机, 还有智能音箱. Because we know your smile is key to our business, we take numerous steps to 确保您完全满意.

呼叫 614.349.3332 安排在都柏林或新奥尔巴尼维修或安装恒温器.


老式的恒温器不能为房主提供 灵活性和节能 他们开始期待. Smart thermostats, on the other h和, offer complete environmental control, even when you’re away. 如果你准备升级,派拉蒙可以帮你. Below are a few types of thermostats we install in the Westerville 和新奥尔巴尼 area:


These thermostats can be set to various temperatures throughout the day. If you work 9-to-5, it can raise the temperature of your home to limit AC use, accordingly. For sleeping, the heat can be set to automatically turn down to promote better, deeper rest. 有更广泛的功能可用性, 这些装置几乎完全取代了挫折恒温器.


If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of programming your thermostat, 我们有许多更简单的选择. These allow for simple button control while still providing the comfort you’ve come to expect.

wi - fi恒温器

Wi-Fi thermostats can be synced up to your phone via your home’s Internet connection. This allows you to update your home’s temperature anywhere in the world while also enabling easy, 直观的编程. 我们有安卓和苹果兼容的机型.


智能恒温器与其他家庭自动化工具集成, 比如智能音箱, 把麻烦从舒适中带走. They can recognize your lifestyle patterns 和 adjust your home’s temperature to match. These units are best suited to tech-savvy households looking to cut energy costs.


Easy-to-see thermostats are the best idea in thermostats 和 few people know about them! 它们的工作原理和标准恒温器一样,使用起来也很方便. An easy-to-see thermostat has very large raised numbers that people with impaired vision can easily read. An audible click sounds at each degree mark as you adjust the temperature by turning the dial. An optional large clear dial cover is available to assist those who are hindered by arthritis.


现代恒温器比传统恒温器有许多优点. Here are a few reasons you might want to call for a quote on thermostat replacement:

  • 降低成本: 新奥尔巴尼的生活可能很昂贵. The digital thermostats we install use pre-programmed settings to limit energy expenditure 和 maximize savings. 这意味着你口袋里有更多的钱可以用来买你喜欢和享受的东西. 你也可以减少 加热AC while you’re away, conserving energy while on business trips or vacations.
  • 精度控制: The use of electronic controls allows modern thermostats to more precisely meet your temperature needs. These systems can also quickly alert you if there’s a problem in your HVAC system, 确保你不会让一个小问题失控. This allows you to call your 新奥尔巴尼暖通十大网络彩票平台大全承包商 before your only option is a full AC replacement.
  • 方便: There’s no running back 和 forth to adjust the temperature with smart thermostats. 只要编一次程序就可以了. 躺椅上就可以做很多调整. For another kind of HVAC convenience, click here to learn more about our ac 私彩信誉平台十大网站项目.

正如你所看到的,有很多理由这样做 换掉你在韦斯特维尔的恒温器 和新奥尔巴尼. 廉价的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全服务, doing so can easily improve your comfort while making life a bit easier. 得到 计划 for 新奥尔巴尼的恒温器服务, we invite you to give us a call at 614.349.3332.

我们在New Albany提供全套恒温器服务


如果你遇到问题与你的 加热 or AC在美国,恒温器故障可能是罪魁祸首. Loose wiring or deteriorated parts are common sources of thermostat failure. 我们的 新奥尔巴尼暖通十大网络彩票平台大全专家 能否快速定位问题并使其恢复工作. 我们维修所有类型和品牌的恒温器.


If you’re ready to kiss that ugly old thermostat goodbye,叫 Paramount for 在新奥尔巴尼更换恒温器. 我们的 technician will walk you through the different options to find the perfect fit. 然后我们把旧的恒温器拆掉,接上新的. Before leaving, we’ll perform numerous tests to ensure your HVAC system operates as expected.


你的新家需要恒温器吗? 然后,你需要一个专家. While thermostats seem simple, they need to be precisely placed 和 calibrated. 如果安装在阳光太充足的地方, 例如, 它会一直认为你家比实际情况更热. 得到 在新奥尔巴尼安装专家恒温器,叫 614.349.3332.


If your thermostat isn’t working right, you might be wondering what to do next. 在你给予之前 614.349.3332 然后告诉我们,“我的恒温器坏了,我该怎么办??以下是你应该考虑的几点:

  1. 你把恒温器调对了吗? You’d be surprised how often we show up to a home 和 the fix is just a simple change of the selector switch from ‘heat’ to ‘cool’. Verify that your desired temperature is set correctly 和 that your unit isn’t trying to heat your home in the middle of August.
  2. 你有电力问题吗? If the digits being displayed aren’t showing properly or the text is dim, 这可能表明你的设备没有得到足够的电力. 看看是不是这个问题,试着更换恒温器的电池.
  3. 是否存在日益严重的问题? 在老式的非数字恒温器上, 如果读数有误, 检查一下装置有没有从墙上脱落. 用水平尺检查它是否弯曲或错位. 如果发现问题,试着拧紧锚固螺钉.
  4. 你的恒温器是否放置不当? Your unit will struggle to get a proper reading if it’s placed next to heat or cold sources like a vent, 炉子, 窗口, 或注册. Try removing the source of temperature fluctuation 和 seeing if readings improve. 如果是这样,你会想打电话给我们把它移到一个更理想的位置. It is also important to have your thermostat located in a room that has an outside wall so it responds quicker to changes of the outdoor temperature.
如果这些方法都不起作用,那么是时候调用 新奥尔巴尼暖通十大网络彩票平台大全承包商. A 加热冷却 专业人员拥有快速发现和解决问题所需的技能.


Whether you want to install a digital thermostat or need your existing one repaired, reach out to 派拉蒙供暖公司的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全专家 & 空气. 我们在新奥尔巴尼和韦斯特维尔地区服务了 超过12 年. 在那段时间里, we’ve developed a keen underst和ing of customer satisfaction 和 the importance of putting your comfort needs first. In addition to thermostat installation 和 repair, we also provide a wide array of 加热AC 服务.

If you’re ready to be comfortable again, we invite you to reach out to us at 614.349.3332. 我们很乐意让你做下一个人 我们的5星评论列表.



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